Welcome to GNA.Net


WE have moved our servers.  If you are a current customer and need assistance, please call Bret @ 414-281-0500 - now running Robert Haack Diamonds.

Wholesale Internet Access
Available, call up Gary with Digicom at 1-847-437-2911.

Web based E-mail!

For current customers, go to webmail.gna.net and enter in your user name, and you MUST add @gna.net to your user name.  It's that easy!

Internet Access
WE have access numbers throughout the US at no additional cost.  Call Gary at 1-847-437-2911 for more information.

GNA's News!
Global Network Access has been donated to the RED CROSS.  A great company, Digicom.com bought the dial-up and they offer dial-up throughout the US for an amazing deal.  Call Gary at 1-847-437-2911.


For webpage hosting customers, please call Bret at 414-281-0500.  Bret now runs Robert Haack Diamonds, but certainly can help you with your old account.